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A Recipe for

                 Healthy Digestion

                                     By Dr. Janet McKenzie, BSN, MBA, ND

                                                               Soluble fibre are digestible carbohydrate which are well fermented in the
                                                               large intestine forming a gel .  It influences the water balance in the digestive
                                                               system, and has an impact on weight management as well as levels of
                                                               hormones , cholesterol  and blood sugar . Pectin is a source of soluble fibre.
                                                               Pectin is common in fruits such as apples.
                                                               The benefits of a high fibre diet may include:
                                                               • normalized bowel movements;
                                                               • maintenance of the health and integrity of the bowels;
                                                               • normalized levels of insulin, cholesterol and blood glucose, and;
                                                               • enhanced elimination of potential toxins and carcinogens.
                                                               The recommended daily fibre intake for adult males is 30 – 38 grams and
                                                               is 21 – 26 grams for adult females. Many people find it challenging to
                                                               obtain all the fibre they need from dietary sources. In these instances, fibre
                                                               supplementation can be helpful. Unless supplementation is undertaken
                                                               for therapeutic reasons, in other words to treat a specific condition, it is
                                                               preferable to look for supplements that contain both soluble and insoluble
                                                               sources of fibre.

                                                               If you are planning to increase your fibre intake through your diet or with
         You’ve probably heard the statement “You are what you eat”. More literally,   supplements, plan on making the change slowly. Too rapid an increase may
         you are what you eat, digest, absorb and assimilate. Your gastrointestinal (GI)   result in unwanted side effects such as gas and bloating.
         system is responsible for the digest-and-absorb portion of that process so its
         health is a key factor in your overall level of wellness.  Enzymes
                                                               Enzymes are chemically active proteins that enhance reactions between
         Let’s have a look at the “ingredients” that contribute to digestive health.  other substances. Our bodies use them for many things, including digestion.
                                                               Digestive enzymes are produced by our salivary glands, stomach, small
         Fibre                                                 intestine and pancreas to aid in the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins
         Dietary fibre is also referred to as bulk or roughage. It consists of plant   and fats.
         materials that we are not able to digest. Because we are unable to digest fibre,
         it carries various substances with it as it passes through the digestive system.   There are times when, for various reasons, we don’t produce sufficient
         You could almost think of fibre as a broom that sweeps out any unwanted   quantities of these enzymes. This can result in incomplete digestion;
         matter that collects in the GI tract.                 undigested carbohydrates ferment, proteins putrefy, and fats become rancid.
         There are two types of fibre that we need to address: soluble and insoluble.  Lactose intolerance, with its symptoms of gas, bloating, cramping and
                                                               diarrhea, is a common example of a malabsorption syndrome associated
         Insoluble fibres are non-digestible carbohydrate that are resistant to   with incomplete carbohydrate digestion4 due to an insufficiency of the
         digestion and absorption in the human small intestine with complete or   digestive enzyme lactase.
         partial fermentation in the large intestine and increases the bulk of feces .
         Cellulose is an example of insoluble fibre. Cellulose is common in fruits and   Incomplete digestion of proteins may result in the presence of toxic
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